Centre of Excellence

in South Asia

SIAS envisions itself to be recognized in Nepal, South Asia, and globally as a unique South-based
high-quality research and academic organization, with a repute of a  policy think tank.


New Angle

New angle

Nepal Journal of social science and Public Policy

About the Journal

Aim and Scope. New Angle: Nepal Journal of Social Science and Public Policy is an internationally peer-reviewed journal (ISSN 2565-5124) published by Southasia Institute of Advanced Studies (SIAS) on behalf of Nepal Policy Research network (NPRN). The Journal publishes articles which are based upon concrete data as well as analysis of secondary and historical sources. We encourage articles which record the results of completed investigations and raise questions emerging from on-going work.


Policy Engagements

Himalayan Policy Lab

Policy Perspectives Series

Future Himalayan Research Seminar Series


Diktel: The story of water in the mountains