
Policy Dialogue on Developing an Environmentally-adjusted Index for Multidimensional Poverty

The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) aim to integrate environmental, economic and social dimensions of development. SDG 1 on ending poverty aims to eradicate poverty in all its forms and explicitly mentions the need to provide equal access to, and control over, natural resources to all, and to reduce the exposure of the poor to climatic and environmental hazards. This goal highlights the growing recognition that a holistic understanding of poverty, in all its dimensions, requires an appreciation of the importance of nature and ecosystem services (ES). In this context, the proposed workshop aims to contribute towards ongoing study on the relationships between the natural environment and poverty. Conducted in collaboration between the Southasia Institute for Advanced Studies (SIAS), the Universities of Cambridge, Sheffield and Southampton, the UN Environment World Conservation Monitoring Centre, and the International Institute for Sustainability in Brazil, the work comprises two key components: (1) reviewing the conceptual and empirical basis for including the natural environment as a dimension of poverty and/or human wellbeing, and (2) assessing and developing ways of integrating the environment with multidimensional measures of poverty and wellbeing.

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