Sharad Ghimire has completed M.Sc. (Botany) in 1999 from Tribhuvan University, Nepal and M.A. (Environmental Security and Peace) in 2007 from University for Peace, Costa Rica. His major fields of academic interest are environmental and livelihood change, environmental justice, environmental security, and climate change and human security. He has been associated at Kathmandu-based research institute, Martin Chautari, as a researcher since 2001. He has done research and published articles and co-edited various books on environmental justice, food security and environmental security. His current research is related to climate change in Nepal. He has been also leading a discussion on human security from Martin Chautari in the different parts of the country. Besides his association at Martin Chautari, he also teaches a course on Conflict and Resource Management at Department of Conflict, Peace and Development Studies, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal.