Southasia Institute of Advaned Studies (SIAS), University of New South Wales (UNSW, Australia), Institute of Engineering (IoE, Pulchowk) and ISET Nepal is jointly organizing a workshop on “18 Months after the Nepal’s Earthquakes Practical Disaster Justice in the Recovery Work”. The workshop will be held on Dec 6 2016 at IoE, Pulchowk. The event will have about a total of 40 participants representing various stakeholders such as earthquakes 2015 victims and champions, representatives from NRA, universities, academic and research institutes, NGOs/INGOs and postgraduate students carrying out applied research in the fields of disaster and crisis management for disaster recovery and reconstruction.
The main objective of the event is to hold a reflective and interactive dialogue on the current state of disaster recovery, with a focus on practical disaster justice in terms of inclusion, responsiveness and equity in the delivery of recovery services. This event will also help to
a) Understand how key actors are responding to disaster recovery works in Nepal
b) Exchange insights and ideas among a wide range of Nepal recovery stakeholders and contribute to build effective partnerships between SIAS, UNSW, IOE and other national and international stakeholders
c) Highlight and promote the importance of incorporating gender and practical justice considerations in disaster recovery and management
d) Identify knowledge gap in policy and research arenas to conduct cutting-edge critical research on practical disaster justice for meeting the gaps.
Note: Participation by Invitation only