Policy Discussion Series XVI

The Policy Discussion Series XVI was organized on Dec 29, 2013 (3:00 PM) at Martin Chautari Seminar Hall, Thapathali.

About the Series: The Policy Discussion Series is an initiative of Martin Chautari and the Southasia Institute of Advanced Studies (SIAS) under the aegis of Nepal Policy Research Network (NPRN). It aims to nurture a “community of practice” around public policy in Nepal, by bringing together experienced and emerging public policy scholars and practitioners to share their research insights and experiences with a larger audience. With this Series, we seek to stimulate debates on contemporary public policy issues, policy research methodologies, and institutions that create policy knowledge. The Series is also a forum for the sharing of findings of policy‐related research.

Topic: Messages of Peace Process of Nepal

By: Geja Sharma Wagle

Executive Director, Nepal Institute for Policy Studies (NIPS) Nepal

Date : Dec 29, 2013 (3:00 PM)

Venue : Martin Chautari Seminar Hall, Thapathali

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