Fifth seminar of the series “Himalaya, CC and Development”

The fifth seminar of the series “Himalaya, Climate Change and Development” was organized on April 23, 2014 (2:00 PM). Adam Pain was delivered the seminar on the topic “What drives transformations in climate change governance’.

Adam Pain works in theory and practice in Rural Development. He taught in Natural Resources in Development Studies, University of East Anglia, UK from 1976 – 1987, and has worked in natural resource management in Africa & Asia. From 1992 to 2000 he worked as principle advisor to the Minister of Agriculture in Bhutan on research and extension policy and natural resource management. Since 2001 he has held an honorary attachment to the School of International Development and has had research grants working in Nepal and Afghanistan working on rural economy and change and natural resource management (forestry) in Nepal and India. From January 2006 he has held the position of Visiting Professor in Rural Development at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences in Uppsala. He has also been attached to the Danish Institute of International Studies in Copenhagen since 2012 as a senior visiting research on a Climate Change and Institutions research programme. He is the co-editor of a book on ‘New Challenges to Food Security: From Climate Change to Fragile States’, Routledge, forthcoming.

The seminar is a part of British Academy supported initiative, the key aims of which are to enhance capacity in the partners on political transition and environmental change research, to understand the role of research in conflict resolution, and to train a new generation of Nepali and UK scholars equipped with research expertise for tackling complex social-environmental issues

Seminars are held approximately every two months over a 24 month time frame.

  • First Seminar on: “Introduction to Political Transition and Climate Change” was organised on June 28, 2013 (2:00-4:00 PM) at Local Development Training Academy (LDTA Hall), Jawalakhel. The seminar was presented by Dr. Andrea Nightingale.
  • The second Seminar on: “Mainstreaming Climate Change in Sustainable Mountain Development: Reflections from ICIMOD’s Experience” was organised on Aug 27, 2013 (2:00-4:00 PM) at Local Development Training Academy, Jawalakhel. The Seminar was presented by Dr. Madhav Karki
  • The third Seminar on “Poverty, vulnerability, livelihoods, climate adaptation and disaster risk reduction: concepts, issues and practical tools” was organised on Oct 31 (2:00-4:00 PM) at Local Development Training Academy, Jawalakhel. The Seminar was presented by Dr. Bharat Pokhrel.
  • The fourth seminar on “Climate Change, Water and Policies: Some reflections on changing web” was organized on Dec 24, 2013 (2:00 PM) at Local Development Training Academy (LDTA). Ajay Dixit from Institute of Social and Environmental Transition (ISET) Nepal delivered the seminar.
  • A seminar workshop on “Writing for change:” pursuing social science in times of transition in Nepal” was organised on Jan 30, 2014 (9:30 am-5:00 pm) at Yala Maya Kendra, Patan Dhoka, Lalitpur. The seminar delivered by Andrea Nightingale, Krishna K Shrestha, Hemant Ojha, Hari Sharma, Ajay Dixit, Jhalak Subedi, Deepak Thapa, Naya Sharma, Netra Timsina.