
Master Thesis Grant (Closed)

Masters Thesis Research &Writing Awards 2017

The CAMPS project under the leadership of Southasia Institute of Advanced Studies (SIAS), a think tank institution, aspiring to become the ‘Centre of Excellence’ in South Asia is currently seeking 4 highly competent, qualified and prospective thesis writing students to write thesis on various themes as noted below connected to climate change, urbanization and water security as a part of and complement to a recently launched research project on climate adaptive water management strategies and practices in two cities (Dhulikhel and Dharan) of Nepal. The candidates are expected to have strong flair of writing reports and academic research articles. Candidates with sound publication records are preferred.


Water security has become a challenge for the cities in South Asia. Sustainability of the water resources through the sustainable management of watershed, water sources, water supply, water demand, and wastewater treatment is of great importance for present and succeeding generations in Nepal and India. The rapidly urbanizing cities of Himalayan region are undergoing severe challenges of water insecurity due to climate change and increasing demand of water. Scientific study is required to understand the changing dimensions of water insecurity and opportunities for sustainable management in the rapidly urbanizing cities.

Southasia Institute of Advanced Studies (SIAS) in collaboration with International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Center for Ecology and Development Research (CEDAR) and Tata Institute of Social Science (TISS) in India, University of New South Wales (UNSW) and University of Sydney (USYD) in Australia and International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Nepal, is striving to investigate urban water insecurity to contribute for climate adaptive and equitable management of urban water systems.

Emphasis of the research is on meeting water adaptation deficits in four mid-size cities of Nepal and India (Dhulikhel, Dharan, Mussoorie and Haldwani) where demographic pressure, unregulated urbanization and climate stresses are becoming particularly acute. The three-year long research results are expected to help decision makers understand the consequences of climate change, rapid urbanization and conflicting interests on water resources, agriculture, and economic activity, and, take actions to sustainably improve the ability of communities, governments, and the private sector to adapt to changing dimensions of water insecurity. The overall objective of the SIAS led research initiative is to generate lasting local water solutions, bringing choice and change by investing in knowledge and innovation, supporting the water champions of the future, and by being a partner of choice for the public and private sectors up-scaling the impacts on a broader level.

In order to better understand hydro and climate trends, existing and long term water issues, and water governance for sustainable management of water to achieve lasting water security of these two cities CAMPS is planning to enroll five Master level thesis students to do research on the following topics in the second half of the first year:

  1. Hydrological trends analysis of critical urban water zonesof Dharan focusing on Watershed characteristics and stream flow trend in Sardu/Khardukhola
  2. Climate trends analysis of critical urban water zones of Dharan
  3. Private sector investment in sanitation and waste management schemes for sustainable water management
  4. Assessing the implications changing climate, rapid urbanization and water scarcity on gender in the population of Dharan and Dhulikhel

How to Apply: Please submit the following documents to sias-info@sias-southasia.org by 20th Dec 2016

  1. A motivation letter
  2. A concept note on the topics above (max 1000 words)
  3. An updated CV (max 2 pages)

Selection process: A 3-member International Selection Panel (ISP) will be formed for selection process; Shortlisted candidates will be invited to present in front of ISP. ISP will make the final decision on the basis of concept note and CV.

Fellowship: Each Masters’ awards will be provided with the reasonable stipends covering field visits, travel and accommodation.

Supervision: Masters’ candidates will be working with a multi-disciplinary team of experts in several special fields of the project as required apart from their own supervisors at the universities of enrolment.

Preference: Female candidates are highly encouraged to apply

Please download Masters’ Thesis call  here



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