Dilli P. Poudel
Senior Researcher

Dilli Prasad Poudel holds an MPhil and a PhD in Human Geography from the Department of Geography, University of Bergen (Norway) and completed a Master’s degree in Geography from the Central Department of Geography, Tribhuvan University (Nepal). He is researching urban and disasters, forest management, migration and agrarian change, and informality in the neoliberal context of social and climate change, drawing on theoretical approaches including the political ecology/economy of risks and resource management, discourse analysis and critical development geography. He also teaches geography, urban studies, forest management, and rural livelihoods in various institutes. With more than 15 years of working experience, he has published around 50 knowledge materials including peer-reviewed journal articles, books, book chapters, research reports, policy briefs, and media op-eds/periodicals, and contributed to developing Tomorrow’s Cities planning model, which aims to reduce disaster risk for the poor in rapidly growing cities of the global South. He joined Southasia Institute of Advanced Studies (SIAS) in January 2019 and has been involving in various national, multi-national and multi-disciplinary research projects, project designing, team building, facilitating the quality of knowledge production, and contributing to SIAS governance as a member of the Management Committee. Additionally, he has been contributing as an Editor of a peer-reviewed journal namely New Angle: Nepal Journal of Social Science and Public Policy.

Selected Publications

Poudel, D.P.; Marquardt, K; Pain, A. & Khatri D. B. (2024). De-agrarianisation and re-agrarianisation in patches: understanding microlevel land use change processes in Nepalese smallholder landscapes. Forests, Trees and Livelihoods. Vol … Funded by the Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet).

Farnan R. Farnan R. A.; Ensor, J: Shrestha, A.; Poudel D.; Singh, B.; Thinphanga, P.; Hutanuwatr, K.; Subedi, Y.; Lama, S.; Singh, S. & Friend, F. (2024). Knowledge infrastructures, conflictual coproduction, and the politics of planning: A post-foundational approach to political capability in Nepal and Thailand. Political Geography. Vol. 108. Funded by GCRF UKRI

Poudel, D. P.; Blackburn, S.; Manandhar, R.; Adhikari, B.; Ensor, J.; Shrestha, A. & Timsina, N. (2023). The political ecology of ‘haphazard urbanisation’ and unequal risk creation in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. Vol. 96- funded by UKRI GCRF.

Poudel, D.P., Shrestha, A; Khatri, D.B. and Ensor, J. (2021). Editorial: Urbanization and Disaster Risks in the Himalaya.New Angle Vol. 7: 1, pp. 1-10. funded by UKRI GCRF. DOI: https://doi.org/10.53037/na.v7i1.74

Timsina, N.P, Poudel, D.P., Manandhar, R and Adhikari, B. (2021). Political Economy of Urban Change in Kathmandu Valley: A case from Southern Lalitpur Metropolitan City, New Angle Vol. 7: 1, pp. 11-31. funded by UKRI GCRF. DOI: https://doi.org/10.53037/na.v7i1.75

Poudel, D. P. (2021). What is an institution: An ontological debate illustrating community forestry of Nepal. The Geographical Journal of Nepal. Vol. 14: 21-40, Central Department of Geography, Tribhuvan University, Kritipur, Nepal.

Poudel, D. P. (2019). Migration, forest management and traditional institutions: Acceptance of and resistance to community forestry models in Nepal, Geoforum, 106, pp. 275-286.

Poudel, D. P. (2018). Are traditional and modern forestry institutions complementary or do they prescribe contradictory rights in Trans-Himalayan Nepal? A lesson to be learned for REDD+ implementation, Norsk Geografisk Tidsskrift – Norwegian Journal of Geography, 72: 1

Poudel, D. P. & Aase, T. H. (2015). Discourse analysis as a means to scrutinize REDD+: An issue of current forest management debate of Nepal. Journal of Forest and Livelihood. 13: 1

Poudel, D. P. (2014). REDD+ comes with money, not with development: An analysis of post-pilot project scenarios from the community forestry of Nepal Himalaya. International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology, 21: 6

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