Revisiting Water and Sanitation Bill for Clean and Equitable drinking water and Sanitation access on 29 July, 2019

Southasia Institute of Advanced Studies and   Federation of Drinking Water and Sanitation Users Nepal  jointly organized a policy dialogue entitled ‘Revisiting Water and Sanitation Bill for Clean and Equitable drinking water and Sanitation access’’ on 29 July, 2019 at Aryal International Hotel, New Baneshwor Kathmandu. More than 35 experts working on water and sanitation sector including community users groups, former bureaucrats, lawyers, wash experts, researchers, and private sector participated in the dialogue. the  the Bill has received a great deal of criticism in the context of water right, water access and sanitation including the new political and institutional structure.  The event forged a collective understanding in terms of the need of major revisions in the bill. Participants agreed to disseminate the summary of the dialogue capturing key contested issues to the policy makers including Members of the Parliament.

For more Details: Revisiting water and sanitation bill for clean and equitable drinking water and sanitation access