Andrea Petitt
Research Fellow

Andrea Petitt holds a Ph.D. in Rural Development from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Sweden, a M.Sc. in Anthropology from Université de Montréal, Canada, and a M.Sc. in Africa and International Development Cooperation from Gothenburg University, Sweden. Since defending her dissertation in 2016, she worked as a researcher at the Centre for Gender Research, Uppsala University until 2022, where she is still affiliated. In 2022 Andrea also taught multispecies relations, sensory anthropology and artistic methods at Laboratoire d’Anthropologie Sociale et Culturelle (LASC) at Université de Liège, Belgium where she was a visiting researcher. Andrea is an editor for the Creative Section of the Journal of Organizational Ethnography and recently founded the MEAM network for Multispecies Ethnography and Artistic Methods, as well as the Bovine Scholarship Network.

Andrea’s main research interests focus on gender and intersectionality of multispecies relations in agriculture and she enjoys multispecies ethnographic methodologies and artful methods for data collection, analysis and dissemination. In particular, she has worked with questions around cowboy masculinities in horseback cattle ranching in the Canadian West, women’s cattle ownership in the Kalahari of Botswana and the breeding of traditional Swedish Mountain Cattle. Andrea has just finalised an international post-doc project financed by the Swedish Research Council (VR) on gendered human-horse-cattle relations on working cattle ranches in Colorado and Sweden as well as in sport and tourism drawing on the American West where this multispecies triad meets.

Currently, Andrea is working with gendered and intersectional human-plant relations in the CREW project at SIAS, that aims to identifying gender-based constraints faced by women farmers and entrepreneurs, create an ecosystem of support for the promotion of inclusive women-engaged enterprises, capacitate target beneficiaries and build their agency and voices.

List of publications

Petitt, Andrea. (2022). At arm’s length. Open Forum. European Journal of Women’s Studies.

Petitt, Andrea. (2022). Conceptualizing the Multispecies Triad: Towards a Multispecies Intersectionality. Feminist Anthropology. DOI: 10.1002/fea2.12099

Petitt, Andrea and Keri Brandt. (2022). Zoocialization: learning together, becoming together in a multi-species triad. Society & Animals.

Petitt, Andrea and Camilla Eriksson. (2022) (published online November 2019). Breeding Beyond Bodies: making and “doing” cattle. Society and Animals, 30 Pp. 108-126.

Petitt, Andrea. (2021). Cow paths and horse trails: in academia and around the world. In: Birke, Lynda and Harry Wels. (Eds.), Dreaming of Pegasus: Equine imaginings. Uttoxeter: Victorina Press Ltd. Pp. 99-115.

Manevska-Tasevska, Gordana, Andrea Petitt, Sara Larsson, Ivan Bimbilovksi, Miranda P. Meuwissen, Peter H. Feindt and Julie Urquhart. (2021). Adaptive governance and resilience capacity of farms: The fit between farmers’ decisions and agricultural policies. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 9: 1-13.

Coopmans, Isabeau, Joost Dessin, Francesco Accatina, Federico Antonioli, Dniele Bertolozzi-Caredio, Camelia Gavrilescu, Piotr Gradzuik, GOrdana Manevska-Tasevska, Miranda Meuwissen, Mariya Peneva, Andrea Petitt, Julie Urquhart and Erwin Wauters. (2021). Understanding farm generational renewal and its influencing factors in Europe. Journal of Rural Studies. 86: 398-409.

Nicholas-Davies, Philippa, Susan Fowler, Peter Midmore, Isabeau Coopmans, Mriana Draganova, Andrea Petitt and Saverio Senni. (2021). Evidence of resilience capacity in farmers’ narratives: accounts of robustness, adaptability and transformability across five different European farming systems. Journal of Rural Studies, 88: 388-399.

Petitt, Andrea and Alice J. Hovorka. (2020). Women and Cattle ‘Becoming-With’ in Botswana. Humanimalia. 12(1).

Eriksson, Camilla & Andrea Petitt (2020) Designing Cattle: The Social Practice of Constructing Breeds, Anthrozoös, 33(2):175-190.

Petitt, Andrea. (2019). “Working cowhorses in multispecies encounters”. In: Jonna Bornebark, Ulla Ekström von Essen and Petra Anderson (Eds.). Equine Cultures in Transition: Ethical Questions. London: Routledge.

Petitt, Andrea. (2019). Rapstract: genus i jordbruk på tre kontinenter. Frispel. Tidskrift för Genusvetenskap. 39(4): 97–102.

Petitt, Andrea and Jacob Bull. (2018). Imag(in)ing ‘good’ Swedish meat: gender, sexuality, race and nation in the sale of higher welfare chicken. Gender, Place and Culture. 25(11): 1622-1645.

Petitt, Andrea. (2016). “Women’s Cattle Ownership in Botswana: Rebranding Gender Relations?” Doctoral thesis No. 2016:35 (Published). Faculty of Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences. Department of Urban and Rural Development, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences: Acta Universitatis Agricultruae Sueciae.

Arora‐Jonsson, S., Westholm, L., Temu, B. J., & Petitt, A. (2016). Carbon and Cash in Climate Assemblages: The Making of a New Global Citizenship. Antipode, 48(1): 74-96.

Petitt, Andrea. (2013). Cowboy masculinities in human-animal relations on a cattle ranch. Elore. Vol. 20(1): 67-82.

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