Bidur water forum

Southasia Institute of Advanced Studies (SIAS) in association with  Bidur Municipality and Bidur Drinking Water Users Commitee jointly organized  ‘Bidur Pani Chautri’ on 17th October, 2019 at Bidur, Nuwakot.  Geeta Kumari Dahal Deputy Mayor of Bidur Municipality chaired the forum. The theme of this Pani Chautari was ‘’ Water Security Challenges and Opportunities’’.  The main objective of the forum was to provide a platform for multi-stakeholders: consumers, drinking water user committees, local government (municipality), local water champions among others to discuss and deliberate on various dimensions of water security and explore potential solutions for equitable and sustainable water management in this rapidly growing small town.  The event witnessed an enthusiastic participation of 56 people including the Mayor Sanju Pandit. Participants expressed their concerns regarding water security challenges and the possible solutions.

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