Partners and collaborators: University of Edinburgh, Forest Action Nepal, and the South Asia Institute for Advanced Studies, Women Leading for Change in Natural Resource Management, Wind Power Nepal

Brief description:
The British Academy funded teaching and learning exchange explores the challenges to climate change adaptation posed by political instability. Fragile political contexts are assumed to be at greater risk from climate change in part because of changes in resources, and in part because of the lack of robust institutions. Nepal is no exception as it is presently re-building the state after twenty years of civil unrest. The political reconstruction coincides with evidence that the Himalayas will suffer some of the most significant impacts from climate change, raising fears about Nepal’s long-term ability to adapt to such rapid political and environmental changes.

A series of teaching and research exchanges between the University of Edinburgh, Forest Action Nepal, and the South Asia Institute for Advanced Studies will build capacity in the partners to undertake post-conflict and environmental change research, to explore the role of research in conflict resolution, and to train a new generation of Nepal and UK scholars equipped with research expertise for tackling complex social-environmental issues.

Time frame: 2013-2015
Project leader: Dr. Andrea Nightingale
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