Inception Workshop on “Developing Impact Pathway for Cities Under The Initiative Cities and Climate Change” May 11, 2016
Province Level Policy Dialogue on ‘Growing Wildlife Problems in Mid-hills of Nepal: Responding Farmer’s Voices’ August 7, 2022
Policy Discussion Series-VIII on “Tragedy of Consensus: Nepal’s transitional arrangement in local bodies” December 19, 2013
Seminar on “Environmental Justice as an Analytical Lens in Policy Research on Environment and Development” April 10, 2015
Roundtable Meeting on Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) In Nepal; Is there a middle way forward? September 2, 2014
NEXUS Gains: Realizing Multiple Benefits across Water, Energy, Food and Ecosystems (Forest and Biodiversity): Ecosystem (Forest and Biodiversity) sector-specific workshop January 31, 2023