Dr Gana Pati Ojha has over 40 years’ experience in development cooperation programmes with national and international agencies belonging to government (21 years), private sector (7 years) and civil society organizations (15 years) in several countries in the areas of food security, livelihoods improvement, agriculture, livestock and forestry, education, organisation development, capacity building, civil society strengthening, peace and harmony, social and economic development, climate change, governance, conflict and security, food security, nutrition, health and disability, inclusive growth, partnership, gender equality and economic empowerment, social protection, extension education and sustainable rural development. He has conducted over 45 evaluations of various types either as a team leader/sole evaluator or a team member. Other expertise includes promoting quality evaluation through knowledge generation in evaluation, evaluation capacity development, organising international and national evaluation events. Experience also include managing evaluation organisations, creating enabling environment for evaluation by contributing to formation of evaluation policy framework, M&E Bill, motivating parliamentarians to be evaluation sensitive and helping form evaluation forums of parliamentarians.
Dr Ojha was one of the five recipients of EvalPartners Award for outstanding contribution to Evaluation in 2015. He serves as the Chairperson of Community of Evaluation (2013-2017), President of Community of Evaluators South Asia (2017-2020), Board of Trustees of the International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation (2018-2019). He is serving as an Adjunct Professor at the Agriculture and Forestry University, Nepal.
Selected Publications
2019 Agriculture land use in Nepal: Prospects and impacts on food security. Journal of Agriculture and Forestry University (2019), Vol. 3: 1-9.
2017 Equity: A tool for measuring “Leaving no one behind”. Published as special note by Community of Evaluators Nepal.
2014 Added costs. Added value? Evaluation of Norwegian support through and to umbrella and network organisations in civil society. Report 5/2014. Oslo: Norad Evaluation Department and CHR Michelsen Institute. Pp 1-148.
2011 Partnership between and among the state and non-state actors in agricultural extension. Social Research Reports. Vol. 20, June 2011. ISSN: 2066-6861 (print), ISSN: 2067-5941 (electronic) www.researchreports.ro/fr/dans-ce-numero. pp 1-117
2011 Partnership: When Does It Work and When Does Not? Free Market. Year 13, Issue 8. Kathmandu: Public Relations Private Limited. Pp 48-51
2010 Appreciative Inquiry Approach to Evaluation in South Asia. Revista de Cercetare Si Interventie Sociala (RCIS)/ [Review of Research and Social Intervention] Vol. 30. ISSN: 1583-3410 (print), ISSN: 1584-5397 (electronic). Romania: University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”. pp7-18
2008 Nepal: In Saravanan (Ed.) Agricultural Extension: Worldwide Innovations. New Delhi: New India Publishing Agency. pp 287-311.
2008 Appreciative inquiry for enhancing individual and organization capacity. Journal of Research and Social Intervention. Iasi, Romania: University “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”. Index Libraria virtuala | Index Reviste | Volumul: 20/2008/martie, Revista de Cercetare si Interventie Sociala. pp. 7-18.