Himalayan Policy Lab (HPL) Beyond Eurocentric Science and Indigenous Knowledge: Reimagining a New Politics of Knowledge for Himalayan Sustainability

The Himalayan Policy Lab (HPL): Beyond Eurocentric Science and Indigenous Knowledge: Reimagining a New Politics of Knowledge for Himalayan Sustainability was organised at Kathmandu on 21 Decmber 2018.  More than 35 people International researchers, early career researchers, PhD Students participated in the event. Dr, Hemant Ojha presented why alternative knowledge production is required and what can be different forms of knowledge.  During the event, Ajay Dixit, Dinesh Poudal, Dil Khatri, Andrea Nightingale and Maniram Banjade presented their experience emergence of Eurocentric knowledge in Nepalese system and shared challenges of indigenous romanticism.  A role play was also done by researchers on how difficult is to influence the policy makers as well as change the mind set of International researchers.

This event was Organised by SIAS in collaboration with IFSD (Australia), University of Canberra, University of Oslo (Norway), Future Himalaya Institute (Nepal) , ISET Nepal and Appalachian state university(USA).

Objectives of HPL

  • Explore questions of knowledge politics in the region and the possibilities for the production of counter knowledges.
  • Create a vibrant space wherein hybrid professionals with abilities to conduct transdisciplinary research and knowledge activism can emerge.
  • Engage in transformation of Himalayan socio-socio-ecological systems, to encompass socio-socio-environmental justice in one of the world’s most fragile and socially deprived regions.

Flyer of the Program