Community Forestry in Nepal Through the Lens of a Dynamic Integrated Socio-Environmental System May 30, 2023
Stakeholder dialogue on the Challenges and Opportunities of Multistakeholder Initiatives in the Water, Energy, Food and Ecosystem (WEFE) Sectors in Federal Nepal May 22, 2023
Round Table Meeting: “Local Governance and Education in Nepal: Issues and Policy Options” December 19, 2013
Roundtable Meeting on Integrated Water Resource Management (IWRM) In Nepal; Is there a middle way forward? September 2, 2014
Stakeholder Workshop on Hydropower Development in Nepal: Negotiating Indigenous and Local Rights November 10, 2014
Future Himalayan Research Seminar Series on “Co-creation of visions for sustainable food systems: the Swedish experience and its adaptations in the Nepali context” July 15, 2022