Release of book (in English) and Policy Brief (in Nepali)

6th May, 2024

The book “Socialising Tomorrow’s Cities: Envisioning a city in Rapti Valley” and the policy brief “लुम्बिनी प्रदेशको राजधानी देउखुरी/राप्ती उपत्यकालाई समतामूलक र उत्थानशील सहर बनाउनको लागि समुदायको अपेक्षा, नीति तथा सहरी योजना” were officially launched by Hon. Jog Bahadur Mahara, Chief Minister of Lumbini Province, during a special event on May 6, 2024, at Hotel Pauwa in Deukhuri, Dang. The event was graced by the presence of the Mayor of Shitganga Municipality and the Chair of Gadhawa Rural Municipality (GRM), under the chairmanship of Mr. Chhabi Raj Pokharel, CEO of the Provincial Infrastructure Development Authority (PIDA), Deukhuri, Dang, Lumbini Province. The event primarily targeted the ward chairs from all 14 wards of Rapti capital city, spanning across the three rural/municipalities.

Honorable Minister, Mr. Jog Bahadur Mahara, in his special remarks, stated that the newly launched book and policy brief are valuable resources for authorities and government officials, offering crucial support in realising the vision for Rapti. He also expressed his gratitude to the authors, to those who supported them, and to those who fostered an enabling environment for the authors/researchers to carry out their research.

Mr. Yam Narayan Sharma Pokhrel, Chair of GRM, commended TC researchers for engaging with local communities and understanding the community’s aspirations for Rapti city’s development. He highlighted that the book and policy brief provide a critical foundation for building a resilient and inclusive city. Effective implementation of the research findings is now essential, requiring commitment from local, provincial, and federal governments. He urged all levels of government to incorporate the research findings and recommendations into their plans and policies.

Mr. Chhabi Lal Poudel, Mayor of Shitganga, thanked TC researchers for choosing Rapti capital city for their research on society, culture, hazards, and community aspirations. He noted that the book offers valuable findings, but stressed the importance of implementing them and developing the capital city with inclusive infrastructure. He concluded his remarks stressing that this approach can foster stronger relationships, broaden perspectives, and promote equitable development across all areas, including remote wards, resulting in a more unified and resilient capital city for Rapti.

Chair of the event, Mr. Chhabi Raj Pokharel, CEO of PIDA, expressed his satisfaction with being part of the Tomorrow’s Cities project and incorporating Rapti’s capital city into the TC project. He thanked SIAS researchers and other TC teams for their support in gathering community insights and revising the master plan accordingly, addressing earlier criticism and local resistance. He emphasized that the book release day marks the end of the research and planning phase, with ongoing refinement and the focus now shifts to implementing the plans developed over the past year.

Event Photos

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