Rojani Manandhar
Research Fellow

Rojani Manandhar is currently working as a researcher at SIAS with over 9 years of experience in environmental research and development. She holds a Master’s and Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science, specializing in Water Resource Development from Tribhuvan University. Her expertise spans urban and disaster risk reduction, environmental safeguards, climate change adaptation, rainwater harvesting, environmental advocacy, project management, and coordination. At SIAS, she is involved in research on urban, disaster, and climate finance and previously worked on the “Tomorrow Cities” project, which aims to reduce disaster risk for the urban poor in future cities. Additionally, she manages the SIAS website and social media and has contributed significantly to the publications of peer-reviewed journal articles, research reports, books, booklets, policy briefs, and case studies. She has extensive experience in field activities such as Focus Group Discussions, Key Informant Interviews, consultative meetings, and workshops, and in analyzing quantitative and qualitative data and coordinating with stakeholders across multiple levels and sectors. Her research interests include urban and disaster risk reduction, climate change, natural resource management, WASH, and renewable energy.


Poudel, D. P.; Manandhar, R.; Shrestha, A.; Thapa, S. and Basnet, S. (2024), Socialising Tomorrow’s Cities: Envisioning a city in Rapti/Deukhuri Valley, Nepal.[Book]. DOI:

Poudel, D. P., Banjade, M. R., Manandhar, R., Adhikari, B. and Timsina, N. P. 2024. Khokana Visioning Booklet, published by Lalitpur Metropolitan City, ward no. 21, Khokana.

Poudel, D. P., Banjade, M. R., Manandhar, R., Adhikari, B. and Timsina, N. P. 2023. Khokana Visioning Booklet (in Nepali: खोकना दूरदृष्टि पुस्तिका), published by Lalitpur Metropolitan City, ward no. 21, Khokana.

Poudel, D. P.; Blackburn, S.; Manandhar, R.; Adhikari, B.; Ensor, J.; Shrestha, A. & Timsina, N. (2023). The political ecology of ‘haphazard urbanisation’ and unequal risk creation in the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction. Vol. 96- funded by UKRI GCRF.

Timsina, N.P., Poudel, D.P., Manandhar, R., and Adhikari, B., 2022, Political Economy of Urban Change in Kathmandu Valley: A case from Southern Lalitpur Metropolitan City

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