With a PhD in Soil Science and MSc in Agronomy from Ohio State University, USA, Professor Roshan Man Bajracharya has over 25years of experience in research and teaching in the U.S.A., India, Nepal, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Bhutan, in the fields of agricultural intensification, soil and water conservation, soil crusting and erosion, land and water management, soil quality, and, carbon dynamics and sequestration in relation to climate change. He has supervised the research and theses of 15 PhD and more than 30 MSc students. He also has experience in the management and coordination of several international collaborative research and capacity building projects with other universities and international organizations. After having worked full-time at Kathmandu University for 16 years, and another 3.5 years at South-Asia Institute of Advanced Studies (SIAS) as Project Team Leader of the IDRC funded project Climate Adaptive Water Management Plans for Cities in South Asia (CAMPS he is currently a Visiting Professor at both Kathmandu and Tribhuvan Universities in Nepal.
Selected Publications:
- Shrestha, H.L., Bajracharya, R.M. and Sitaula, B.K. (2023) Soil organic carbon and soil properties for REDD implementation in Nepal: experience from different land use management in three districts of Nepal. IN: R. Bhadouria, S. Singh, S. Tripathi and P. Singth, Understanding Soils of Mountain Landscapes, Sustainable Use of Soil Ecosystems Services and Management. Elsevier, https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-323-95925-4.00002-9. Pages 267-278.
- Bajracharya, R.M. (2022) Soils of Nepal – A General Treatise. Book Publisher International, Kolkata, India. 103p.
- Bajracharya, R.M. (2022) Sustainable Land Use, Landscape Management and Governance. IN: P.K. Shit, P.P. Adhikary, G.S. Bhunia, D. Sengupta (Eds.) Soil Health and Environmental Sustainability: Application of geospatial technology, Springer-Nature, in press.
- Bajracharya, R.M. (2021) Regenerative approach for sustainability and climate resilience of mountain agroecosystems. IN: R.M. Bajracharya, B.K. Sitaula, N. Raut, and S. Gurung (Eds.) Sustainable Natural Resource Management in the Himalayan Region: Livelihood and Climate Change. Nova Science Publ. Inc., New York, pages 42-56.
- Bajracharya, R.M., Dahal, N.R., Neupane, K.R., Singh, V., Habeeb, R. (2019) Urban Water Security Challenges in the Nepal and Indian Himalaya in the context of Climate Change. Resources and Environment 9(1):9-18, Scientific & Academic Publishing, USA.
- Badu, M. Nuberg, I., Gimire, C.P., Bajracharya, R.M., Meyer, W.S. (2019) Negative trade-offs between community forestry use and hydrological benefits in the forested catchments of Nepal’s mid-hills. Mountain Research and Development, 39(3):R22-R32.
- Bajracharya, R.M. (2018) Regenerative land management: A transformative approach to sustainable use of land-based resources? Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on Transformative Education, Research and Sustainable Development, 5-8 October 2018, Dhulikhel, Kavre, Nepal
- Dahal, N., Bajracharya, R.M. and Wagle, L.M. (2018) Biochar effects on carbon stocks in the coffee agroforestry systems of the Himalayas. Sustainable Agricultural Research, 7(4):103-114. Publ. Canadian Center of Sci. & Educ.
- Gurung, S., Gurung, A., Sharma, C.M., Juttner, I., Tripathi, L., Bajracharya, R.M., Raut, N., Pradhananga, P., Sitaula, B.K., Zhang, Kang, S., Guo, J. (2018) Hydrochemistry of Lake Rara: A high mountain lake in western Nepal. Lakes & Reserv. 2018;00:1–11. John Wiley & Sons, Australia, https://doi.org/10.1111/lre.12218
- Suberi, B., Tiwari, K.R., Gurung, D.B., Bajracharya, R.M. and Sitaula, B.K. (2018) Effect of harvesting and non-harvested forest management on carbon stocks. Int’l. J. Environ. & Climate Change. 8(3):152-164.