Seminar on Addressing Climate Change and Food Insecurity: Improving Resilience and Adaptation or Creating Vulnerability?

An one-day seminar onAddressing Climate Change and Food Insecurity: Improving Resilience and Adaptation or Creating Vulnerability?” was organized on 6th August 2014 at Dhokaima Café, Patan Dhoka.

Based on recent field studies in Nepal and reflecting on experience of interventions around climate change adaptation and resilience, this  seminar aims to discuss the questions: Does adaptation offer new opportunities than traditional development? What is needed to ensure that root causes of vulnerability are investigated and taken into account when developing and implementing policy documents related to food security and climate change? The seminar brings together academics, researcher, policy-makers and climate change development managers and field practitioners into a positive debate for shaping agendas for research, policy and practice.

(Note: Participation by invitation only)