Tomorrow’s Cities engagements and sharing with communities after WP2 deployment in Rapti September 29, 2023
Policy Discussion Series-IV on “Research Constraints on International Development Decision-making as relevant to Nepal, particularly in water and hydropower sectors” at Martin Chautari December 18, 2013
Local Level Interaction cum Workshop on Climate Change and Urbanisation in Lamatar Area: Challenges and Ways Forward December 23, 2013
An expert meeting on ‘Urban Water Security in Nepal: Insights for Policy and Practices’ November 3, 2021
Stakeholder dialogue on the Challenges and Opportunities of Multistakeholder Initiatives in the Water, Energy, Food and Ecosystem (WEFE) Sectors in Federal Nepal May 22, 2023
Forest restoration in the context of global climate goals: Community forestry institutions and prospects for more democratic forest governance February 6, 2023